Updating Kiosk Laptops and DragonFly3 Wireless Network
Q: What updates need to be performed on the kiosk laptops? A: The kiosk laptops need to be updated with a renewed wireless trust certification annually.
Q: Is there anything specific I need to know about the DragonFly3 wireless network? A: Yes, please be aware that the RADIUS server certificate (radius.irt.drexel.edu) used for authenticating the DragonFly3 wireless network will be updated annually around July. The first time you connect to DragonFly3 after this update, you may be prompted to 'accept' the new certificate.
Q: What should I do if I have trouble connecting to DragonFly3 after the certificate update? A: After accepting the new certificate, if you encounter any trouble connecting, please re-run the DragonFly3 installation wizard or have your device “forget” DragonFly3 and then reconnect. For more information on connecting to the network, visit Drexel IT Wireless Connection Guide.
Q: Who should I contact if I need further assistance? A: If you need additional help, please contact the IT helpdesk at helpdesk@drexel.edu.
Action Required: Update Kiosk Laptops and Notify Staff Before the Annual Change
Each July, LITS sends a notice to all staff regarding the update, includes the information about the DragonFly3 wireless network certificate update, and attaches this FAQ to ensure everyone is informed.