Enable Libkey Nomad to automatically install to Google Chrome


Step 1:  Install Google Chrome policy template

1. Copy chrome.admx, google.admx, and chrome.adml, google.adml to their appropriate folders via USB. If you don't have access Download the Google Chrome policy template. Click "Accept and Download" under "Policy Templates" to get Policy_Templates.zip
2. Unzip the bundle.
3. Copy 






4. Copy 



5. Once complete, a Google Chrome folder will appear under (Start > Run: gpedit) Group Policy Management > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates.

Step 2: Configure in Management Console

1. Navigate to Start > Run: gpedit.

2. Navigate to Group Policy Management > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Google Chrome > Extensions

Right click and Edit the “Configure the list of force-installed apps and extensions”


Step 3: Enable Nomad to automatically install to Google Chrome

1. Tick the Enabled button, and then click the Show button.

2. Add the following entry for LibKey Nomad and Click OK.


3. Click "Ok"

4. Click "Apply" and then "Ok"


Step 4: Tell Nomad your libraryId so it can be automatically detected

Using the follow command in cmd as administrator and run it.

REG ADD HKLM\Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\3rdparty\extensions\lkoeejijapdihgbegpljiehpnlkadljb\policy /v libraryId /t REG_SZ /d 599 /f

The result should resemble the following:



  • Last Updated Nov 13, 2024
  • Views 64
  • Answered By Javier Arroyo

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