Drexel Libraries Research Discovery Training Recordings


These are generic recordings for the product, available while Drexel Libraries works on preparing customized versions.

  • Introduction to Esploro for Researchers - As a researcher, you are busy promoting your recent publications, pursuing
    funding for your next project, and identifying relevant collaborators.  The Esploro Research Information Management Solution enables your institution to capture, manage and showcase all of your scholarship and creative works, as well as that of other researchers in your institution.

  • Researcher Profiles in Esploro - You can use the system to maintain a public profile in the Researcher Portal, so that other researchers can learn about you and look at your research. Esploro automatically creates a profile for you and updates it, and provides you with an easy interface to maintain it.

  • Add Research Output to Your Profile in Esploro - You can maintain your Research Output here (aka your publications list), so that other researchers can see it. After you sign in to the Research Portal, you will arrive on the Overview page of your Profile. You can click Add Content to get started right away, or select the Output tab to see if there is any research material already here.

  • How to Create a CV from a Researcher Profile - Researchers are frequently required to update their CVs and adapt them for various needs, such as for a job, conference, or grant application. A researcher can use their researcher profile to quickly create an up-to-date CV in the format of their choice. 
  • Last Updated Sep 27, 2024
  • Views 50
  • Answered By Joan Kolarik

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