Instructions for Using Presentation Equipment in Room L33


Quick Start

  1. Tap anywhere on the Extron touch screen located at the back middle of the desk to be begin.

  2. Once the Extron system has started up, select either Laptop or PC (Rear or Front) as the source from which to project.

  • If using the PC, select PC Rear or PC Front, depending on which camera will show the room

    • PC Rear = the camera at the back of the room

    • PC Front = the camera at the front of the room

  1. If using a laptop, on the Extron screen > choose HDMI (or VGA) video source depending on the connection used to plug in the laptop

  2. To turn the system off, press the power button at the bottom right of the Extron screen and click power down.

  3. If you have logged into the PC, remember to log out.  This is a public terminal!


    For more information please please visit our L33 Instructions FAQ via QR code or URL -

Room Features

Use from Laptop

  • TV Display = yes
  • room cameras = no
  • laptop camera = yes
  • room speakers = yes
  • room mic = no (they are currently not working) - use laptop mic or bring your own


Use from PC

  • TV Display= yes
  • room cameras = yes
  • room speakers = yes
  • room mic = no (they are currently not working) - bring your own


TV Display

  • To project presentation from laptop AND also use room cameras, join meeting on both devices
  • While presenting from laptop, switch Extron to laptop > HDMI.  This lets the presentation fill the screen in front of the classroom.
  • Show attendee gallery on the PC by selecting in the meeting app > click on the gallery > in View, presentation is not full screen, gallery is selected
  • Remember to display the chat if you want to see remote participants comments


[are these instructions correct for zoom, too?]


  • Volume Control is not working on the Extron (there is an open ticket)
  • Currently, a mic needs to be provided in order to use a mic room.  Contact LITS

[provide instructions for mobile mic / rode]

  1. Plug the mic into the PC in order to control volume (Speaker = High Definition Audio Device) from there or the laptop the laptop to control volume from the laptop

Currently not working

  1. At any point once the system is turned on, press the Audio Control button on the Extron screen
  2. From the new screen, lower, raise, and mute the volume 
  3. To exit, press the big red X on the top right


To use room cameras, log into PC > join meeting

Switch cameras from the meeting using meeting controls - with camera on > right-click on the picture to select Switch cameras

Camera Control

  • Zoom level:  press + or – buttons
  • Move a camera:  push and hold an arrow key (there will be delay and then fast movement)
  • There are 3 presets, selecting a number will change camera position to a preset configuration
  • To exit, press the big red X on the top right

Troubleshooting Tips

If your workstation or laptop is not displaying on the wall TV, please consider these steps:

  • Please ensure that the right input is selected as HDMI 1
  • Rebooting the touchscreen console and power-cycling the TV.
  • Inspect the connections of all the cables behind the TV.
  • Disconnect all the cables from the KVM switch located behind the TV and then plug them back in
  • Last Updated Oct 17, 2023
  • Views 93
  • Answered By Javier Arroyo

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