How to Screen Share in Connections Room 210


There are multiple ways to screen share in the Connections room.  The Clickshare dongle is the easiest.

Features by Option Clickshare
by Dongle
via TV
Wireless via
Clickshare App
speaker source room or laptop room or laptop laptop room or laptop or phone laptop or phone
microphone source room or laptop laptop laptop laptop or phone NA
camera source room or laptop laptop laptop laptop or phone NA
extend vs duplicate screen duplicate duplicate or extend duplicate or extend duplicate or extend NA

* Can view 2 screens at once, side-by-side



Clickshare Dongle Option

  1. Turn on TV and sign in to laptop
  2. Plug Clickshare dongle into laptop (If this is a first time use, a moving white ring appears as Clickshare software installs - wait for this to complete
  3. When install is complete, the ring light blinks (Mac Installation)
  4. Once the dongle is ready and showing a solid white ring, to share your screen, press and hold the dongle button for about 2 seconds

In an online meeting

  • video should default to room camera in in front, right corner by window
  • audio should default to room speakers (ClickShare Speaker)

If these are not working by default (for example, if you do not see the entire room via camera or others in the meeting can't hear other speakers in the room) check your settings in the meeting's Device Settings.

To un-share, press the button once

For fun features via Clickshare, see red line above right lower corner of main screen (image at bottom)

  • pause button freezes display while you, for example, enter your login information
  • 2 icons on left toggle between sharing just a window (click left icon and select) or your full desktop (click middle icon)

Switching Between 2 Laptops

  • A Clickshare dongle must be attached to both laptops (room 210 has 2).  Only 1 screen can share at a time.
  • Ring light is red on dongle attached to actively sharing laptop -- other dongle ring light is white
  • To switch presenters, press and hold the Clickshare button on laptop that wishes to take over screen sharing

Steps to take if the Click Share is NOT working


  • Make sure you have selected the appropriate source labeled "clickshare." on the TV.

  • After that, connect your device using the HDMI cable. If there is still no display, we advise turning off the Main system by unplugging its power source and turning it back on. If all is functioning properly, you'll come across the Clickshare home screen like seen below.

The red source on both dongle and main system indicates that your device is being cast the display.


  • Last Updated Oct 05, 2023
  • Views 233
  • Answered By Joan Kolarik

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