Depositing Data in Drexel Research Discovery

Drexel University affiliated faculty and staff can deposit data into Drexel Research Discovery.


  1. Navigate to Drexel Research Discovery.
  2. Sign in in the upper right hand corner using your Drexel user ID and password.
  3. Click "Add Content" in the upper right hand corner.
  4. In the drop down menu, select "Works."
  5. On the next page will be another dropdown for "What are you submitting?" Select "Dataset."
  6. You can now search for your dataset to ensure that the title is not already in Drexel Research Discovery and is available for use.
  7. In the "Add Files" section, click "Select Files" to upload your dataset file. We recommend uploading your dataset as a CSV file but support additional file types as well. (There is 500 MB size limit for each upload)
    • You can upload multiple files at one time, including PDF or TXT files with instructions or information regarding the dataset itself.
  8. If you would like to add a license to your file or dataset, you can click on the file name and choose "Add License." From here you will be able to select the type of license to apply to one file or all files.
  9. You can now navigate through the tabs to include a description of your dataset, key words, authors or author contributors, publisher, DOI, grant funding, etc.
  10. Next review the Asset Summary to ensure all of the information is accurate. Then "Submit." 
  • Last Updated Oct 01, 2024
  • Views 49
  • Answered By Hannah Purtymun

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