Is there a way to see what books my class will have on reserve before the term starts?

Is there a way to see what books my classes have reserved for next quarter before Course Reserves go live in Blackboard? Or do I just have to wait?


At the moment, our catalog does not allow us to search for Reserves books by course or professor, only by title or information about the book. However, you can look up your textbooks by course and section through Drexel's Bookstore. You can also try reaching out to your professor.

Once you have a title or author you can search for the book in our collection. Use the search box on the front page of our website and select the tab for "Books and More".

For more information, please visit the library's Course Reserves page or contact us at

  • Last Updated Jul 19, 2022
  • Views 46
  • Answered By Shin Amano

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