I've never used Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) before. How do I sign up?

I have never used Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) to request an article or book before. How do I do it?  Do I need to sign up?  Do I need to pay?  


Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) is available to Drexel students, faculty, and staff for no fee. You will need to sign up the first time you use the service using the steps below. You may also want to view the FAQ on requesting an article using ILLiad.

  1. Connect to ILLiad at https://ill.library.drexel.edu/illiad/illiad.dll
  2. If you have never used ILLiad before, your username and password are the same as your Drexel Connect credentials. ILLiad log in pageIf you are having trouble logging in or want to change your ILLiad password (your Drexel Legacy password), please see the FAQ on resetting your Legacy password.
  3. When you sign into ILLiad for the first time, you will be prompted to enter your contact information enter basic information about yourself. ILLiad New Authenticated User Registration
  4. Under "Delivery Location", make sure to select Your Home Library. Your Home Library is the library location where you would like to pick up ILLiad items in-person.
  5. After you have entered and submitted your information you will be all set to use ILLiad to request articles and books.

If you have any problems logging into ILLiad or questions about placing an interlibrary loan request, please contact us at ResourceSharing@drexel.libanswers.com.

  • Last Updated Feb 13, 2024
  • Views 148
  • Answered By Shin Amano

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