Do I need my DragonCard to visit the library?


A Dragon Card is required to enter the W. W. Hagerty Library. 

If you don't have a DragonCard, please visit the DragonCard Office: 

You may also display digital identification if you have the DrexeOne App installed on your mobile device. Click here for information on the DrexelOne App.

As a student you are permitted to the library during the following hours:  and have access to the following Services:

Until you get a DragonCard, you may enter as a Visitor, but have limited access (Mon-Fri 7:30am5pm).

Visitors are permitted to enter the W.W. Hagerty library between 7:30am-5pm, Mondays through Fridays only, with the exception of finals weeks when only current faculty, staff, and students are permitted. Visitors must present a current photo state ID for security to hold on to while they are in the building and will be asked to sign in. 

Students from Temple University, UPenn, and the St. Joes are allowed in at any time during the libraries’ operating hours (with the exception of finals week) with their current student IDs, and do not need to be signed in by a current Drexel student. 

Drexel Alumni are also allowed in at any time during the libraries’ operating hours (with the exception of finals week) and do not have to be signed in by a current Drexel student or affiliate. Alumni must always present their Alumni Card (physical or digital) to security upon entering the building and will be asked to sign in. To obtain an Alumni Card, please visit the Alumni Office website.



  • Last Updated Mar 19, 2024
  • Views 153
  • Answered By Shin Amano

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