How do I reserve a group study room?




1)  You can use the ‘Book a Group Study Room’ tool to reserve a room.    

2) First select a start time from the grid below. You will then be able to modify the end date/time in the dropdown below the grid.

Red mean that particular time slot is already booked. Green is available (Note: A daily maximum of only three hours can be booked per person.) 

3) Click “Submit Times” 

4) Review Terms & Conditions and click “Continue” 

5) Type your name, Drexel email and how many people are in your group, then click "Submit my Booking" when you are finished. 

6) You will soon get a confirmation email that you have booked your room. 

Please note the study room rules: 

  • Be part of a group (two or more people). If the group that has reserved the room does not include at least two people, then the room is considered a common study area. 

  • Groups are expected to arrive on time and use rooms for the period reserved. If a group does not arrive within 10 minutes of their reservation time, the room may be used as a common study area. 

  • No meals are permitted in any of the Group Study Rooms. Snacks and drinks in spill-proof containers are allowed. 

  • Users should not leave library materials in group study rooms and should not leave personal belongings unattended. 

  • Please dispose of your trash properly. Do not leave trash in the Group Study Rooms when you are finished. 


  • Last Updated Feb 16, 2024
  • Views 1894
  • Answered By Drexel University Libraries

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