How can I renew a book?

How can I renew books that I have checked out?  Can I do it online?  


You can renew Drexel-owned items online by logging into My Library Account. The items you have checked out and their due dates will be listed under "Loans" where you can select items to renew. Items that have been recalled by the library or requested by another user may not be renewed.

Items loaned through EZ-Borrow are not renewable. Some items loaned through ILLiad may be eligible for renewal at the lender's discretion. You can request a renewal by logging into ILLiad within 5 days of the due date. If approved, you will be notified of the new due date via email. If denied, you'll recive an email asking for the return of the book.

If you have any trouble renewing items you can contact us at 215-895-2755 or at

  • Last Updated Nov 09, 2023
  • Views 452
  • Answered By Shin Amano

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